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HCPs: Going to AAP in Orlando, FL?

Visit the InTandem Booth: #515


Walking rehabilitation is possible months and years after a stroke.

InTandem is a safe, use-at-home device to improve walking and ambulation in adults with chronic stroke.

InTandem chronic stroke walking rehabilitation image of touchscreen control unit

An estimated 3.8 million Americans live with chronic stroke-related gait impairment.

In a randomized controlled pivotal trial, InTandem users showed clinically-meaningful and statistically-significant improvement in gait speed.

as compared to an active walking control

Study Highlights

Participants completed 30-minute sessions with InTandem 3x per week

An icon of a clipboard with a health icon

Participants used InTandem for 5 weeks

An icon of a calendar

Safety Information

Only use InTandem in safe environments.

Do not use InTandem in unsafe environments such as uneven, wet, or icy terrain, or areas with obstacles and hazards in the walking path such as furniture, pets, pedestrians or traffic increase the risk of slips, trips, falls or collision.

Do not use InTandem on a treadmill.

Stop using InTandem if you experience abnormal symptoms.

Stop using InTandem if experiencing abnormal muscle or joint pain, or abnormal symptoms such as nausea, shortness of breath or excessive fatigue.

Walking with InTandem a device indicated to improve walking and ambulation for people with chronic stroke

Music can engage the brain, therapeutically.

InTandem is based on the principles of Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation (RAS), an established and standardized intervention.

Both RAS and InTandem use auditory-motor entrainment (“entrainment”) as the mechanism of action. Entrainment is the unconscious synchronization of the motor and auditory systems in the brain* in the presence of a rhythmic signal to drive coordinated movements.

This synchronization occurs at the cortical and subcortical levels.

*(Crasta et al., 2018; Rossignol & Jones, 1976)

InTandem is packaged as a complete neurorehabilitation system

The shoebox-sized package ships directly to the patient.

Before starting an InTandem session, the patient will attach the sensors to each shoe and put on the headset. Then, the InTandem software on the touchscreen device guides them to start the session.

InTandem is designed for easy usability right out of the box. Patients do not need any technical expertise or a personal smartphone to use InTandem.

Live technical support is available when needed in both English and Spanish.

An illustration of the InTandem shoe-worn sensors, one for each shoe

Shoe-worn sensors,
one for each shoe

An illustration of the InTandem touchscreen device

A touchscreen device pre-loaded with InTandem

An illustration of the InTandem headset with a background

A headset

An illustration of the InTandem charging components

Charging components

An illustration of the InTandem shoe-worn sensors, one for each shoe

Shoe-worn sensors,
one for each shoe

An illustration of the InTandem touchscreen device

A touchscreen device pre-loaded with InTandem

An illustration of the InTandem headset with a background

A headset

An illustration of the InTandem charging components

Charging components

InTandem Logo

Healthcare Providers:
Add InTandem to your gait rehabilitation toolkit.
Sign up now to learn more and schedule a product demo!

Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm ET
Hablamos ingles y español

1 (855) 900-7837

Coming Soon:
InTandem will be available to eligible Veterans.

PM&R, Neurologist, or PT?

Learn more about the science of InTandem and making this use-at-home treatment available to your chronic stroke patients.